Second Half of 15th Century
Half of 16th Century
Half of 16th Century
Half of 17th Century
of 1632-1633
Half of 17th Century
end of 17th Century
Reorganisation (1632-33)
IV was crowned king he was already
an experienced soldier. In his youth he took part in Chodkiewicz's
Muscovite (1617-18) and Chocim (1621) campaigns. At Chocim he commanded
a regiment exceeding 10,000 men of which around half were mercenary
German infantry. Later, Wladyslaw
embarked upon a grand tour of Europe, studying military techniques,
fortifications and arsenals in Germany, Belgium and Holland. At
Breda he was the guest of the Spanish general Spinola, who was besieging
the town, and saw the latest methods of siege warfare and the use
of a powerful artillery. Wladyslaw
knew well of the high quality of Poland's cavalry, as King he decided
to enlarge and improve those arms and the methods of warfare which
had previously been treated as second rate, namely infantry, artillery
and fortifications. With this in mind he formed a cudzodziemski
autorament or foreign section.
Foreign Section
It consisted mostly of pike and shot infantry, dressed, equipped
and organised following the German infantry. It was also, initially
at least, mainly commanded by Germans. Regiments varied from 4 to
8 companies, with two shot to every pike and the pike stood in the
centre flanked by the shot in the normal manner. The dragoons also
formed part of the foreign section. They were identical to the infantry
except they travelled on horseback and so were especially useful
in support of the cavalry when it carried out quick incursions and
There were
also cavalry, which again were modelled after the Germans and included
arquebusiers, cuirassiers and lighter cavalry called rajtaria,
similar to the Swedish 'light' cavalry. The word rajtar
is Polish for reiter and was used to cover Western style, pistol
armed cavalry, whether mercenary, German or Polish. Their dress
and equipment was imported from Germany, but they used shallower
formations of four ranks and did not use the caracole. Though this
section was called foreign the vast majority of the troops were
National Section
This section was composed mostly of cavalry and was little altered.
The husars now charged in three ranks, with poczets
of more than three being banned, though still found. The most numerous
cavalry were the Cossacks.
A major characteristic
of the national section was its large camp, due to its supply being
based around the poczet (each towarzysz
organised the supply of his own poczet).
This meant a much larger number of traders, servants and camp followers
compared to the foreign troops' camp section.
of different
types of troops were formed into regiments, usually armoured Cossacks
with the light cavalry or the husars. The Polish-Hungarian type
infantry were now little used and usually only formed guard units.
Wladyslaw greatly expanded the size of the artillery, standardising
calibres and casting many new cannons. He set up a second kwarta
tax to ensure the artillery remained well furnished and by the 1640's
the royal army alone had around 350 cannons and mortars of which
over 40% were newly cast. New arsenals were set up and the position
of commander of the artillery was formed in 1637. In imitation of
the Swedes, he also introduced three to six pound regimental guns.
With the introduction
of a strong infantry arm the main battle formation altered. King
IV usually formed his army in three lines: a front, a corps and
a rear of reserve. Each line was composed of infantry in the centre
and cavalry on the wings. The largest proportion of the infantry
was in the front, while most of the cavalry stood in reserve. The
foreign cavalry sometimes stood intermingled with the infantry.
Although this formation allowed little manoeuvrability, unlike the
old Polish battle formation, it had a very powerful defensive strength
because of its firepower. Most of the cavalry on the wings was from
the national section and stood in deep formations forming a powerful
strike force.

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